A Fully Dockerised HTTPS Ghost Blog

The installation documentation for Ghost is comprehensive, but beyond my skill as a system administrator to complete. Docker to the rescue!

Miles McBain https://milesmcbain.xyz

Note: This blog is no longer built with Ghost, I’ve gone static with Distill. These instructions should still serve you well.

Ghost is the blogging platform that powers this blog. You can pay for a hosted instance on https://ghost.org/, but as open source software, you can also self-host. The installation documentation for Ghost is comprehensive, but beyond my skill as a system administrator to complete. Luckily Docker allows hackers like me (and you!) to piggy back off the system admin skills of those far more knowledgeable.

This is the post I wish I had found when I spent a day hunting for the magic Docker image that would get me up and running with a self-hosted Ghost instance.


This is the stuff you need to have and be somewhat familiar with to self host Ghost the way I will describe.

  1. A domain for your blog. I use DNSimple to purchase and manage mine.
  2. A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) provider. I recommend an instance with at least 2GB RAM, 1 VCPU, with a public static IP address. I use Vultr.
  3. Comfort with administering a VPC instance over an ssh connection: Create folders, edit a file, run a couple of commands.
  4. Some conceptual familiarity with Docker. We’ll use very simple docker-compose commands. So you’ll need docker-compose and docker.io installed on your VPC instance.

Docker Composition

Using the docker-compose framework we build a network/cluster of container hosts that together form a complete solution.

The composition has these parts: 1. Ghost, our blog platform. 2. Optionally RStudio Server. My blog relates to R, this comes in really handy for me. You can remove it if you want to. 3. An nginx reverse proxy server that automatically configures itself to manage ssl handshakes, upgrade http to https, and route connections to hosts we specify in the composition. 4. An SSL certificate service that automatically obtains ssl certificates for https from Let’s Encrypt for hosts we specify in the composition. These are automatically renewed.


This is the configuration file that defines the composition above. I’m going to give you the whole thing here and then commentate the various sections in the rest of this post.

version: '2'


    image: ghost:1.21.3-alpine
    restart: always
      NODE_ENV: production
      url: https://milesmcbain.xyz
      mail__transport: SMTP
      mail__options__service: Mailgun
      mail__options__auth__user: <My Mailgun User>
      mail__options__auth__pass: <My Mailgun Password>
      VIRTUAL_HOST: milesmcbain.xyz
      LETSENCRYPT_HOST: milesmcbain.xyz
      - ~/data/ghost:/var/lib/ghost/content

    image: rocker/tidyverse
    restart: always
      - "8787:8787"
      USER: <My RStudio User>
      PASSWORD: <My RStudio Password>
      ROOT: "TRUE"
      VIRTUAL_HOST: <My RStudio Domain>
      LETSENCRYPT_HOST: <My RStudio Domain>
      - ~/repos:/home/milesmcbain/repos

    image: jwilder/nginx-proxy
      - "80:80"
      - "443:443"
      - "/etc/nginx/vhost.d"
      - "/usr/share/nginx/html"
      - "/var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro"
      - "/etc/nginx/certs"

    image: jrcs/letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion
      - "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro"
      - "nginx-proxy


The image: version tag can be updated to the latest version on the docker repository.

NODE_ENV: ‘production’ is strongly recommended by Ghost developers for a live blog.

Ghost configuration options listed in the Installation and Setup Guide are configured as environment: variables. Instead of JSON style nesting ,{}, nested options are delimited using __.

The combination of VIRTUAL_HOST, and LETSENCRYPT_HOST instructs the nginx-proxy and letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion to redirect http traffic for http://milesmcbain.xyz to https://milesmcbain.xyz and then on to the Ghost instance. This is important because configuring a https url: ensures Ghost will only accept https connections. I recommend this because administering a Ghost blog involves logging into to a web interface.

SSL certificates required for https are automatically obtained and renewed from Let’s Encrypt using the LETSENCRYPT_HOST and LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL as parameters. That email address will be emailed if the certificate for the host is due to expire. I have not seen one of these yet, since the automation is working.

mail__ configuration is optional. Setup with Mailgun is fairly painless, It’s described in the Ghost Installation and Setup Guide. There are two main mail usecases: Emailing subscribers about new posts (if you use a subscribe button) and allowing blog contributors to recover from forgotten passwords. If you’re a solo blogger like me and not using email subscriptions you probably don’t need it.

volumes: is important. It defines folders on your VPC host that are mapped to the instance. You absolutely need a folder on your VPC host to keep your blog content. Otherwise it will not persist when the Docker container is stopped and restarted. E.g. for VPC provider maintenance or a Ghost version upgrade. ~/data/ghost:/var/lib/ghost/content maps the folder /miles/data/ghost on my VPC file system to /var/lib/ghost/content in the Ghost container. miles is my user I created to administer the blog on the VPC. The data/ghost is in my home directory.


The config in ports: maps port 8787 on my VPC to port 8787 in the rocker/tidyverse Docker container where RStudio is listening. Remember to open port 8787 on your VPC using your VPC management console.

USER, PASSWORD and ROOT relate to the an RStudio user that can log into the server. ROOT adds the user to sudoers - this is useful if you want to install additional R packages and their Linux dependencies.

I have set up this container with it’s own subdomain that I configured with my DNS provider. Let’s say it is rstudio.milesmcbain.xyz - so http traffic to that will be forwarded to https and then to the RStudio login page, so that login can be done securely.

In volumes: an area of my VPC file system is mapped to the rocker/tidyverse container so my RStudio project repositories will persist.

nginx-proxy: and letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion:

The configuration here is the boilerplate for a minimum viable setup. The mapped volumes: are especially critical and should not be tinkered with. Both of these containers support additional configuration options that are discussed on their Github repo README pages linked above.

Possibly of interest is SSL certificate key size and auto-renewal interval configured in letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion. The defaults are sensible though.

Starting your Ghost blog

So if you’re still with me, you must be getting pretty keen to fire up your new blog! To do so:

  1. In an ssh session to your VPC host: Copy or fork and clone the docker-compose.yml file into a folder in your VPC host user’s home directory, e.g. /<your user>/compose/docker-compose.yml
  2. Go to the folder and make necessary edits to the file (e.g. using vim or nano), replacing my domains, <My Email>, <My RStudio User> etc. with your personal config.
  3. Save and exit docker-compose.yml and run the command docker-compose up, from the same folder as docker-compose.yml. You may need to prefix with sudo.
  4. Sit back and enjoy the show in your terminal. For a little while Docker will be downloading image data, after which it will start the composition and you will get a very detailed log showing what each container in the composition is doing:
A test I ran on my laptop

Figure 1: A test I ran on my laptop

  1. After the log has settled down, verify your blog is working by navigating to https://<your domain>. You should see a stock Ghost theme with example posts and text.
  2. Back in your terminal session, Hit ctrl + c to interrupt the Docker containers, this will trigger Docker shutdown. Follow with the command: docker-compose down to remove temporary data.
  3. Run: docker-compose up -d, to start your blog again, this time as a background process. You will get some simple messages about containers starting, and not the detailed log. Now you can close the terminal, exit ssh etc, and your blog will remain live.
  4. Navigate to https://<Your Domain>/ghost to set up your admin user and log in to the blogging platform.
  5. Have fun tweaking your blog, downloading themes, and writing posts!


Additional Reading

Things not already linked that I found useful along the way to figuring this out:

If you have any suggested improvements, need a hand, or just want to show off your blog to me, feel free to @ me on Twitter or leave a comment below.


If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.


Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. Source code is available at https://www.github.com/milesmcbain/website_distill, unless otherwise noted. The figures that have been reused from other sources don't fall under this license and can be recognized by a note in their caption: "Figure from ...".


For attribution, please cite this work as

McBain (2018, March 8). Before I Sleep: A Fully Dockerised HTTPS Ghost Blog. Retrieved from https://milesmcbain.com/posts/a-fully-dockerised-ghost-blog/

BibTeX citation

  author = {McBain, Miles},
  title = {Before I Sleep: A Fully Dockerised HTTPS Ghost Blog},
  url = {https://milesmcbain.com/posts/a-fully-dockerised-ghost-blog/},
  year = {2018}